The Excel Ngrams Project

A project to analyse a column of text in an Excel document and return a CSV file with the most common ngrams from that text. Output file is returned to the same directory as the input file. You can choose the maximum n-gram length, and maximum number of results (rows) returned.

Words are tokenised with Spacy and ngrams are generated with NLTK.


To install the Excel Ngrams Project, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install excel-ngrams


Excel Ngram’s usage looks like:

$ excel-ngrams [OPTIONS]
-f <file-path>, --file-path <file-path>

The path to the input Excel file to be parsed for words to generate ngrams.

-s <sheet-name>, --sheet-name <sheet-name>

The name of the Excel sheet that contains the column of text to be analysed. By default, this is the first sheet in a document where none of the sheets have names. If any sheets are named, you must specify the one that contains the column to be analysed.

-c <column-name>, --column-name <column-name>

The name of the column containing the text to be analysed for ngrams. By default, this is set to ‘Keyword’ (case sensitive).

-m <maximum-ngram-length>, --max-n <maximum-ngram-length>

The maximum length of ngram phrase required. Each length of phrase below this number will also be returned in increments of one. For example, selecting 3 will return single word frequencies, bigrams, and trigrams. By default, this is set to 5.

-t <number-of-results>, --top-results <number-of-results>

The number of rows of results to return. By default, this is 250 or all of the results if there are fewer than 250.

-w <boolean>, --stopwords <boolean>

Remove stopwords from ngram analysis - true of false. By default, this is set to true.


Display the version and exit.


Display a short message and exit.